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Lavabo towel. From the Latin word “manutergium” meaning hand towel.  It is also called estersorium or lavabo towel, which is a small rectangular white linen towel. It is used by the celebrant at Mass to dry his hands after the ritual ablution, at the offertory. This ritual probably developed from the need to wash the hands after receiving the gifts brought by the people (i.e. the fruits of the harvest or animals) but it only remains its spiritual significance: the desire for inner purification. (cf. GIRM no. 76). It is, in fact, accompanied by the celebrant’s prayer “Lord, wash away my iniquity… ” taken from Psalm 50 (cf. GIRM no.145).

Lavabo towels

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7 In Stock

F08 - Finger Towel

9,00 €
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